PSHE Summer Y1 - Healthy Lifestyles (Keeping healthy; food and exercise, hygiene routines; sun safety PSHE Summer Y1 - Growing and Changing (Recognising what makes them unique and special. Managing feelings) PSHE Summer Y2 - Healthy Lifestyles (Importance of sleep; medicines and keeping healthy; keeping teeth healthy; managing feelings and asking for help) PSHE Summer Y2 - Growing and Changing (Growing older, naming body parts, moving class or year) PSHE Summer Y3 - Healthy Lifestyles (Health choices and habits; what affects feelings; expressing feelings) PSHE Summer Y3 - Growing and Changing (Personal strengths and achievements, managing and reframing setbacks) PSHE Summer Y4 - Healthy Lifestyles (Maintaining a balanced lifestyle; oral hygiene and dental care) PSHE Summer Y4 - Growing and Changing (Physical and emotional changes in puberty. External genitalia, personal hygiene routines) PSHE Summer Y5 - Healthy Lifestyles (Healthy sleep habits; sun safety; medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies) PSHE Summer Y5 - Growing and Changing (Personal identity, recognising individuality, different qualities and mental wellbeing) PSHE Summer Y6 - Healthy Lifestyles (What affects mental health and ways to take care of it; managing change, loss and bereavement; managing time online) PSHE Summer Y6 - Growing and Changing (Human reproduction and birth; increasing independence; managing transition)