School Opening times

School Opening Times


Start of school                   Lessons begin at 8:45am

End of School                     Lessons end at 3:15pm


Morning gates

Side gate- the side gate will be open from 8:35am until 8:45am for cyclists to put their bikes in the school bike rack.

Morning Opening Times

8:35am- Gates open. This will allow parents time to get onto the playground. Doors open.

8:40 Bell rings. Early warning bell.

Parents send the children into class. If you need to speak to a TA please queue to see the TA but send your child into class so they can start their day.

8:45am Children start lessons.

Your child needs to be in the school building by 8:45am. If a child arrives after 8:45am they are then late. The child is late if they are not in the school building but on the school grounds. The class teacher will mark your child as late and record the number of minutes late on the register. This is the same if they go through the school wing doors or through the office.


8:50am- The side gate by the Reception class will be closed for parents and children going in. Parents will need to go to the school office to sign your child in. This gate will remain open for parents coming out.


Parents who come through the back gate after 8:45am will be let onto the school site. If you are by the wing door between 8:45am and 8:50am your child will be let into the class but will be marked as late. If you are after 8:50am you will need to go through to the school office via the front side gate to sign your child in as late.


8:50am- the back gate will be closed and school wing doors will be closed. The wing doors will be closed and locked at 8:50am.


Staff on the front gates will check that all parents have left the site before locking the side front gate.


Parents with several children.

If you have more than one child, you can, if you wish, send all of your children through the youngest child’s entrance. Once inside the children will walk quietly to their classrooms.


Lunchtimes (these are the usual times but can change eg Christmas dinner etc)

Reception and Y1           11:45am until 12:45pm

Y2                                    12:00 noon until 1pm

Y3,Y4,Y5 and Y6             12:15pm until 1:15pm




All children have a break in the day. Teachers have discretion to add additional brain breaks if required.


Home times

Children finish lessons at 3:15pm.

All gates will be open at 3:15pm.

The back gates and side gates are closed at 3:25pm to make sure the children in wraparound club and other clubs are safe to play out.

The front pedestrian gate remains open until 6pm to allow parents to collect their children from Wraparound club.


During the day

If you need to collect your child during the school day, please come to front pedestrian gate and ring the bell. Please go to the office to collect your child.


Total time in school each week- 32.5 hours